What are nonsense words? What is their role in phonics instruction?
Nonsense or make-believe words are often incorporated into phonics instruction. A nonsense word is a word that has no meaning. For example, het, blate, grop, and lim are all nonsense words. You cannot find these words in a dictionary.
You may be asking yourself, Why do teachers ask kids to read this nonsense? (pun intended) Well, there are a couple of reasons why we embed nonsense words into our phonics instruction. When students are asked to read make-believe words they must rely only on their phonics knowledge to read. With real words, students sometimes recognize the word by sight. A teacher may present nonsense words to students to ensure that they are relying only on their understanding of a specific phonics skill(s) to read the word.
Another reason that teachers ask children to read nonsense words is because they are often found within longer, multi-syllabic words. For example, the nonsense words rel, mas, and nic can be found the following real words: relish, mascot, and picnic. When children can read nonsense words quickly and with ease, they are likely to solve "tricky" words that they encounter while reading in the same manner.